A Step-By-Step Guide on How to Check Trademark Status

A Step-By-Step Guide on How to Check Trademark Status

In today’s competitive business world, trademarks are crucial to establishing brand identity and protecting intellectual property. However, it’s essential to regularly monitor and check trademark status to ensure its validity and protect your rights. In this article, we will provide you with a step-by-step guide on how to check trademark status, allowing you to stay informed and take necessary actions promptly.

What is a trademark?

A trademark is a recognizable sign, symbol, word, phrase, or logo representing and distinguishing a specific brand from others on the market. It is a distinct identifier of the source of goods or services, fostering brand recognition and consumer trust.

Importance of checking trademark status

Checking your trademark status is vital to safeguarding your brand and preventing infringement. By monitoring its status, you can ensure your trademark remains valid, unchallenged, and protected. It allows you to take appropriate actions if any concerns arise, such as opposition or potential conflicts with similar trademarks.

Understanding the trademark registration process

Before diving into how to check trademark status, it’s helpful to understand the trademark registration process. While the specific steps may vary by jurisdiction, the general process includes the following stages:

Filing an application

You must file a trademark application with the relevant office to initiate trademark registration. This application includes detailed information about your trademark, including its description, classes, and associated goods or services.

Examination by the trademark office

After receiving the application, the trademark office conducts a thorough examination to assess compliance with legal requirements. They review the application for any potential conflicts with existing trademarks, genericness, or other grounds for refusal.

Publication in the Official Gazette

If the trademark application meets the necessary criteria, it is published in the Official Gazette or a similar publication. This public notice allows third parties to review the application and raise objections if they believe it infringes on their existing rights.

Opposition period

Following publication, there is usually a designated opposition period during which third parties can file trademark oppositions. This period allows interested parties to challenge trademark registration by presenting valid reasons for refusal.

Registration or refusal

After the opposition period concludes and no valid oppositions are filed, the trademark office determines whether to register or refuse the trademark. If approved, the trademark is registered and protected. In the event of a refusal, the applicant may appeal the decision or make the necessary amendments to address the concerns raised by the trademark office.

Methods to check trademark status

Now that we understand the trademark registration process, let’s explore the various methods available to check a trademark’s status.

Online trademark databases

Many countries provide online trademark databases that allow users to search and retrieve information about registered trademarks. These databases are usually accessible through the official website of the respective trademark office. Search functionalities allow you to look up specific trademarks and obtain their current status.

Trademark office website

Apart from online databases, visiting the official website of the relevant trademark office can provide valuable information regarding trademark status. These websites often offer dedicated sections or tools that enable users to search for trademarks and access detailed records.

Hiring a trademark attorney

Consult a qualified trademark attorney for comprehensive and accurate trademark status information. Attorneys specialising in intellectual property law navigate trademark databases and interpret trademark status. They can guide you through the process, offer professional insights, and help you make informed decisions.

A step-by-step guide to checking trademark status

Now, let’s dive into the step-by-step process of checking trademark status. By following these guidelines, you can determine your trademark’s current status.

Step 1: Gather the necessary information

Before initiating the search, gather all the essential information about your trademark. This includes the trademark’s name, registration number (if available), relevant classes, and other relevant details.

Step 2: Visit the online trademark database

Begin by visiting the online trademark database provided by the respective trademark office. Locate the search function or database access section on the website.

Step 3: Enter the search criteria

Enter the required search criteria, such as the trademark name, registration number, or any other relevant information you collected in Step 1. Refine the search parameters to ensure accurate results.

Step 4: Review the search results

After submitting the search query, review the search results carefully. The database will provide a list of trademarks matching your search criteria.

Step 5: Analyze trademark status

Click on your trademark record to access detailed information. Look for the status field, which indicates the current trademark status. Common status categories include “registered,” “pending,” “abandoned,” “expired,” “canceled,” or “opposition filed.” Analyze the status to understand the current situation of your trademark.

Step 6: Consult a trademark attorney if needed

If you encounter any complexities or uncertainties while interpreting trademark status, seek assistance. They can provide expert advice and help you understand the implications of trademark protection and enforcement.

Common trademark status categories

Understanding the different trademark status categories is crucial in assessing your trademark’s current state. Here are some common categories you may encounter:


The “registered” status indicates that your trademark has completed the registration process and has been granted protection.


A “pending” status indicates that your trademark application is under review by the trademark office. It implies that the registration process is ongoing, and a final decision has not yet been reached.


An “abandoned” status signifies that the trademark application was not pursued or withdrawn by the applicant or the trademark office. Abandonment can occur for various reasons, such as failure to respond to office actions or non-payment of required fees.


When a trademark expires and is not renewed, it falls under the “expired” category. Expired trademarks no longer enjoy legal protection and can be open for others to use or register.


A trademark can be “cancelled” when it no longer meets registration requirements or if a third party successfully challenges it. Cancellation can occur due to non-use of the trademark or invalidity claims.

Opposition filed

If an opposition is filed against your trademark during the opposition period, its status will reflect its filing. This indicates pending legal proceedings or objections regarding your trademark’s registration.

Tips for interpreting trademark status

Interpreting trademark status requires careful consideration and understanding of the broader context. Here are some tips to understand the status:

Understand the context

Consider the entire trademark registration process and the specific jurisdiction’s laws and regulations. Recognize that different countries may have varying trademark practices and terminology.

Consider the registration timeline

Take into account the duration between application filing, publication, and opposition. The time elapsed can provide insights into your trademark registration progress and potential challenges.

Review additional details

In addition to the trademark status, look for additional information or remarks in the trademark record. This can include details about oppositions, office actions, or other relevant updates that might impact the trademark’s status.

Simplify the Trademark Status Check Process with Alonika

Regularly checking your trademark status is crucial for protecting your brand and maintaining its integrity. Following this step-by-step guide, you can confidently navigate the process and stay informed about your trademark status.

We know checking trademarks periodically is arduous, so we advise you to seek professional assistance. When necessary, our professionals at Alonika can help you ensure precise interpretation and make informed decisions concerning your intellectual property.